
De Stichting stelt zich ten doel om financiële ondersteuning te bieden aan:

  • theologiestudenten met weinig middelen
  • bij- en nascholing van predikanten
  • theologisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Theologische docenten adviseren hierin het bestuur van de Stichting.

De Stichting heeft in 2009 een ANBI-erkenning gekregen.

De Stichting vraagt diakonieën en particuliere donateurs om de bijdrage voor één student (€ 350 per jaar) voor hun rekening te nemen. Daarnaast roepen we predikanten op om éénmaal per jaar de vergoeding voor een kerkdienst voor bovengenoemd doel ter beschikking te stellen. Natuurlijk is elke bijdrage van harte welkom!

Studenten schrijven (2022)

Thank You for Your donation! It is a big help for me! I will earn the amount of money for my studies and for my medical treatment because I have an autoimmune disease called polyarthritis. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”  Csenge

Since my childhood I wanted to become a priest. I would like to thank you for the money donation I received. Since my brother is also in university and my mother’s treatment also costs quite a bit of money, this help comes in very handy. I have to pay for boarding, for different books, have meals, and so I have to bring less money from home, for which I am very grateful. Yours sincerely, Zoltán

I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your financial support, I am very thankful to God for having people like you in my life. Your love and generosity is valuable and this support offers a better living for me in a big city like Cluj. It is hard for our parents to provide my sister and me with enough money we need for our studies. This means that the scholarship I get from you is of great help and significance for our family. God bless you all! Eszter